Friday, November 18, 2005

The Idiots Have Me Surrounded!!!

And you thought the guy who never stops pressing the elevator button was bad.... I was on the subway this morning and there is this one dude riding the F train and he was trying to pass between cars. Now for those of you who don't ride the F you wouldn't know that the doors between cars are always locked, and on some other subways they are not.

Well Tweedle Dee here obviously has been riding on trains where passing between cars was a normalcy because when he got to the door and found it locked he was astonished... so astonished in fact that he proceeded to attempt to open the obviously locked door 3 times before finally realizing that he couldn't. He reluctantly took his seat... only to get up one more time and try the door handle. This, and this is the best part, causes a homeless guy who smells of piss and booze and isn't wearing shoes, to yell "Its locked stupid" I almost pissed my pants... part because I was laughing and part because I wanted to pay tribute to the homeless man.

Piss and booze, piss and booze you don't need shoes with piss and booze... goodnight everybody!!!

Oh and on a side note to all the mentally incapacitated... that little button that you press to cross the street is just there to amuse you while you wait for the light to change as it is timed to do... pressing it a hundred times doesn't make the light think, "Wow, there sure are a lot of people waiting to cross I better turn Green in a hurry!!"


Blogger Rye Guy said...

Oh Rye Guy.. you are sooo cool, I love your piss and booze song, I hope its a top 40 hit... oh wait I forgot to hit anonymous... shit

1:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


2:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is way too difficult... sorry

12:59 AM  

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