Friday, December 02, 2005

Fa Ra Ra Ra Ra Ra Ra Ra Ra

Tis the season to jump too quickly into the season. For the record 106.7 has been playing Christmas music, scratch that NOTHING but Christmas music since Nov. 14th. A full week and a half before thanksgiving even. I went food shopping for good ol' turkey day, or as I like to refer to it, Dallas football day with food, and I saw these ready made Pilsbury x-mas cookies lying around. Yeah like what the *&%# are these things doing for sale?

"Hmmmm let's see we got the turkey, cranbeery sauce, mashed potatoes.... awwww nuts I forgot the Christmas cookies... gotta go back out."

This has never nor will ever happen Thanksgiving morning and if it does it better be at Saint f-ing Nick's house. Anyway I digress....

Needless to say I had all my Christmas shopping done shortly after last Christmas. Reason being.... I don't buy anyone shit. I'll bake a cake for Jesus, put 2005 and five candles on it, sing O' Come O' Ye Faithful (which sounds like the name of a porn) and go to bed, right after I sweep up all the pine needles from my floor.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

haiku: ode to red wine...

chianti, merlot
zin, cab, pinot noir, shiraz
beaujolais nouveau

5:11 PM  

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