Thursday, January 26, 2006

Skate This....

So I'm watching this skating celebrities crap for the same reason most people watch NASCAR... I want to see people hit into stuff and possibly seriously injure if not kill themselves, especially if that person happens to be Mr. Down on you in a Theatre himself Dave Queerlea. So I'm watching and I start thinking to myself... wait a second... isn't Dave like a hockey freak so he's probably been skating for like 30 years... and I know for a fact that Jillian Barberie almost tried out for the Olympic squad when she was a teenager, so what the hell? This seems totally unfair to the likes of Deborah (Debbie out of the blue) Gibson, and Bruce Jenner or Todd (put your hands where I can see them) Bridges.

Oh and another thing... can we please trade the Gibbo for Tifany please... or at least Belinda Carlisle? I mean come on people, I know where the real washed up 80's talent lies. And where the hell is Hasselhoff? How can we hav all these b and c list celebrities on this show without Hasselhoff? Can his German singing career really be going that well. I mean I bought... ahem I mean my friend bought his last two albums and I hear they sucked pretty bad. Someone needs to tell those damn Germans we want our Knight Rider back!!! Thanks for playing, don't forget to tip your waitress.


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