Someone Tell Spiderman Garfield Wants His Quarterback
What does this have to do with this post you ask? Very little if nothing at all... which is kind of a theme with some of my favorite bands nowadays (Fall Out Boy, Brand New, and Panic! At the Disco to name some). Remember the song Carrie? Do you know what it was about? If you said Carrie you would be correct... now here is a question... do you have any idea what "I've got a Dark Allety and a Bad Idea That Says You Should Shut Your Mouth" is about? Its not about Carrie I can tell you that... and its like this slow really sweet ballad type thing... with great line like "I want to be known for my hits not just my misses, I took a shot and didn't even come close, to trust and love and hope, and the poets are just kids that didn't even make, and never had it all" Ummmm back alley? bad idea? shut your mouth? What the f? Well that's one of the Fall Out Boy ones... shall we move onto my personal favorite song naming band, though I never really got that into the songs, Brand New... with classics like... Good To Know That If I Ever Need Attention All I Have To Do Is Die, and Jude Law And A Semester Abroad who the fuck needs Carrie... I do... "No time is a good time for goodbye... "
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