Thursday, August 24, 2006

Lucky Day Lucky Day....

Well it just so happens my favorite radio show JV and Elvis, or the doghouse if you will, are looking for a "man on the street" to conduct interviews and say weird things to people or be put in uncomfortable situations and have them taped for the airwaves... As a frequent caller to the show I asked Lou their producer if I could get a shot at it... wanna know what he said? He told me to come by the studio this Saturday and they would hook me up with one of their interns... GN and have some questions for me to do and some recording equipment and unlease me on the Manhattan Mall at 34th street and see what happens. This should be an awesome time and the clips should air sometime next week if they're any good... God I hope I don't suck... this would be fucking awesome!!! I love radio and would love to be on it... and with my sultry voice I mean come on people... its a match made in heaven.

JV and Elvis air on 92.3 free FM from 9-1pm


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Go for it bro... you'll be awesome

3:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

great fucking blog classic!...definitely my #2 favorite web site at the moment...right between CNN and the

3:24 PM  

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