Friday, September 22, 2006

By Mennen

Hey here an idea to spice up a boring day or perhaps annoy a co-worker that you don't like. First make sure the co-worker I speak of sits near you. (diclaimer: Lissette if you are reading this I am sorry... I do like you you're just the only person I can see from my office) Then when talking to another company and they say they need to fax you something give that persons telephone line out, sit back and watch the frustration go ask every oh I don't know, 90 seconds or so the machine tries to send the fax, rings that person's line and all that person hears when they pick up is... beep.... beep. Man I love doing that... or I should say I used to love doing that as now I can certainly see a chair flying through my door the next time it happens... oh well, fun while it lasted.

On top of spaghetti
All covered with cheese
I lost my poor meatball
When somebody sneezed
It rolled off the table
And on to the floor
And then my poor meatball
Rolled right out the door
"Concerto #6" Yohan Sebastian Bach


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