Friday, March 10, 2006

What the World Needs Now...

s to pick a f-ing temperature and stick with it already.... if it happens to be 60 degrees from January to March then fine, I'm cool with that. You say you wanna, oh I don't know, actually have a frigging winter? Great... give me 20-30 degrees and 40 inches of snow, I don't care just be consistent. I feel like the east coast is going through menopause for Christ's sake. Hot flash, cold flash... my bronchitis can't take it... Oh well just a thought enjoy the 68 degree March weekend. I know my sinuses will.

P.S. Check out my links section and you can check in my very own where's Waldo, Keenan Lorenz. He's travelling through South America trying to escape charges that stem from a bottle of Crystal and a gorilla (long story)

P.P.S. Remember that song by Sheriff, "When I'm with You" where he holds that really long, really high note at the end... I do and I wish I didn't cause guess what? Its in my head, and now I hope its in yours.


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