Friday, April 07, 2006

Ok what the hell is up with this? I'm reading this comic strip, yes I still read the comics, and all of a sudden there is this retarded character in the comic. Now how do they protray her as retarded you ask? Well let me tell you... they... put... three... dots... in... between... all... of... her... words... ow annoying is this you ask? Well read that snetence again and you'll understand.

Now if you ask me what they whould have done was like mix all the words up or just kind of put in like AAAAAAAAAAAA!! MMMMMFFFFFF, everytime she talked. But for some reason the other characters in the comic strip would under stand her... that would be amusing. Or how about, oh I don't know maker... um how do I say this... look like a fucking retard maybe? I mean come on... for a comic strip she's pretty hot, I mean she's no Jessica Rabbit or anything but I'd... sorry, never mind. Let's take a look at the example life goes on gave us...

Now THAT'S retarded, man I miss that kid.

Anyway its just completely ridiculous.. at least like have her wet herself or something... gotta go.


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