Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Damn You Spam!!!

No not you man... but could you please leave me alone.

No I mean the other spam... the unbelievably annoying multiple amails sent from unsoliceted sources... and not just because they are from unsolicited sources but because they seems to always arrive at inopportune times...

Like today... I'm running my fingers through my hair and I get "New Cures for Male Pattern Baldness". Feeling a little low in the sex drive department, "New Herbal Remedy Garunteed to Make Her Moan", and of course my favorite... just when I'm having doubts about my marriage being stable "Hungry Housewives Crave Massive Cock $19.95 a Month".

Now I'm not really married but who the f cares at this point... if you read this and don't know me.. you probably need other things to do with your time... may I actually suggest www.hungryhousewivescravecock.com as an alternative to my website... yes I believe I may. All right Mr. Spamman bring me a dream... make it the saltiest that its ever been...

You have so many opportunities I never had

Don't push so hard, nothing is ever easy

And this talent that you take for granted, it's a gift from god

Don't pass it up, nothing is ever easy

Are you ready to work real hard

Are you tired it's just the start

Listen to me son, I'll take you far

You can call it anything you want the fact remains the same

I never got to be your Fred Astaire

You can lie to yourself and all your friends and pretend that you don't care

But circumstance gets in the way

"Fred Astair" Lucky Boys Confusion


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you don't have a wife me and my friend have a bet that you're really cute you should post a pic

9:12 AM  
Blogger Rye Guy said...

I have posted a pic... I'm the fat kid with the "I Fuck on the First Date" t-shirt... if that's your idea of "really cute" then oneo f you wins the bet.

3:52 PM  

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