Definitely for worse...
OK... I've finally gone and done it. I have officially lost my mind. I've gone bonkers. I hear voices, I see pink elephants and they have tea with me on Sundays. What did it you ask? What shoved me over the edge with all the force of Oprah Winfrey being tossed into the Grand Canyon? This...

Now if you read my post from Friday you would see that this is the same comic strip that set me off on Friday... if you haven't read that one read it now and come back or you will find yourself completely lost. Have you returned? Good, let's proceed.
First off... retards of the world listen to me now... I am sorry. I assumed this girl was retarded... I was sadly mistaken. She's not retarded, she's fucking insane. Turns out our little friend has an imaginary apartment she goes to when the world gets her down... a special place. She goes there all the time... well that's special. You know who else goes to a "special" place where nobody can hurt them? Abused children. If that is where this comic strip is going then we have to reexamine what we label as comic. The "funny pages" should not include stories about touched children. whether it be harmed physically or abused sexually either way lets save it for lifetime and after school specials... or screw it you can even have it on a very special episode of Blossom if you need to but keep it the hell away from my morning coffee and Garfield. He doesn't deserve it and neither do I, and just think of poor Odie... I can see it now...
The Vet: OK Odie show us on the plush toy where Garfield touched you.
Jesus Christ... now I know I shouldn't let this get to me and its not really important to most, but God damn it it does, and that is how I know I lost my mind. Its over, game over. Do niot pass go do not collect anything but your straight jacket.
I gotta go, pinky just informed me my tea is getting cold...
what the hell kind of paper did you find this comic in?
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