Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Its a Twister Its a Twister...

Hey quick question... where the fuck are the hurricanes? Where is "the most destructive hurricane season in history"? Where is the destruction caused by global warming which was caused by the dependence of Aqua Net in the 80's? Where? Because just as surely as if you want a girl back you hold a boom box over your head while she tries to sleep, there have been no such storms... not even of the tropical kind. My prognosis.... weather people suck (not you Dave... keep doing it Milhouse). Its getting to the point where if they say rain... I wear white pants... they say 30 degrees outside... I go wife beater... they say mudslides... I'm going rum runner... wait, never mind. Anywho i'm not saying I want death and destruction but I want what I was promised. I mean come on if someone says they are bringing you a pumpkin spice latte and they don't you say fuck them... I mean it hurts... and right now I'm pretty hurt. I'm gonna go hug a tree... stay classy San Diego...

It crept up on me
Ignored all my pleas
Begging to leave
No justice to name me
Fell out of the sky
Cease it to be
Without a reply
Gravity fails me
And when I awoke
I knew what was real
Hope to convince you
Lies they all torture me
Opened the door
Knew what was me
I finally realized
Parachute over me
"Parachute" Guster


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