Now I don't want babies to starve to death but...
So trying to find parking for work today, man you gotta love Brooklyn, and lo and behold what do I see? A blonde lady's boobie staring back at me... Try reading that in your mind in like a sing song voice... makes the whole experience more enjoyable. Pfreferably the no more monkeys jumping on the bed song.
Anyway I will toss in at this point of the story there was a baby attached to the aforementioned boobie, or breast if you will, but still this was a street corner and she was having a conversation with a neighbor of hers and drinking a cup of coffee (hope it was decaf or that kid is going to be flying later... mom's milk gives you WIIIIIIINGS. (Think Red Bull) Anyway, I just think if you are going to be some place for an extended period of time, ie; a restaurant or perhaps a a book store even, crap... anywhere that you are not near your home. But for Christ sake, if you are going for your morning coffee, as this woman's casual dress and bed head suggested, must you feed your baby right then? Must it be done? Will your hairless little bundle of joy really die if Park Slope doesn't see this "miracle of life". I was quite distressed... I mean I even had a black coffee that morning. Ta Ta for now... may your days be merry and bright... and may all your used Q-tips still be white!