Friday, March 10, 2006

What the World Needs Now...

s to pick a f-ing temperature and stick with it already.... if it happens to be 60 degrees from January to March then fine, I'm cool with that. You say you wanna, oh I don't know, actually have a frigging winter? Great... give me 20-30 degrees and 40 inches of snow, I don't care just be consistent. I feel like the east coast is going through menopause for Christ's sake. Hot flash, cold flash... my bronchitis can't take it... Oh well just a thought enjoy the 68 degree March weekend. I know my sinuses will.

P.S. Check out my links section and you can check in my very own where's Waldo, Keenan Lorenz. He's travelling through South America trying to escape charges that stem from a bottle of Crystal and a gorilla (long story)

P.P.S. Remember that song by Sheriff, "When I'm with You" where he holds that really long, really high note at the end... I do and I wish I didn't cause guess what? Its in my head, and now I hope its in yours.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Happy Early St. Patty's day..

Only the Irish have jokes like these:

Into a Belfast pub comes Paddy Murphy, looking like he'd just been run over by a train. His arm is in a sling, his nose is broken, his face is cut and bruised and he's walking with a limp.
"What happened to you?" asks Sean, the bartender.
"Jamie O'Conner and me had a fight," says Paddy.
"That little shit, O'Conner," says Sean, "He couldn't do that to you, he must have had something in his hand."
"That he did," says Paddy, "a shovel is what he had, and a terrible lickin' he gave me with it." "Well," says Sean, "you should have defended yourself, didn't you have something in your hand?"
"That I did," said Paddy... "Mrs. O'Conner's breast, and a thing of beauty it was, but useless in a fight."

An Irishman who had a little too much to drink is driving home from the city one night and, of course, his car is weaving violently all over the road. A cop pulls him over.
"So," says the cop to the driver, where have ya been?"
"Why, I've been to the pub of course," slurs the drunk.
"Well," says the cop, "it looks like you've had quite a few to drink this evening."
"I did all right," the drunk says with a smile.
"Did you know," says the cop, standing straight and folding his arms across his chest, "that a few intersections back, your wife fell out of your car?"
"Oh, thank heavens," sighs the drunk. "For a minute there, I thought I'd gone deaf."

Lisa O'Malley is home making dinner, as usual, when Tim Finnegan arrives at her door. "Lisa, may I come in?" he asks. "I've somethin' to tell ya".
"Of course you can come in, you're always welcome, Tim, But where's my husband?"
"That's what I'm here to be telling ya, Lisa. There was an accident at the Guinness brewery..."
"Oh, no!" cries Lisa. "Please don't tell me."
"I must, Lisa. Your husband Shamus is dead and gone. I'm sorry."
Finally, she looked up at Tim. "How did it happen, Tim?"
"It was terrible, Lisa. He fell into a vat of Guinness Stout and drowned."
"Oh my dear Jesus! But you must tell me true, Tim. Did he at least go quickly?"
"Well, Lisa... no. In fact, he got out three times to pee"

Mary Clancy goes up to Father McGuire after his Sunday morning service, and she's in tears. He says, "So what's bothering you, Mary my dear?"
She says, "Oh, Father, I've got terrible news. My husband passed away last night."
The priest says, "Oh, Mary, that's terrible. Tell me, Mary, did he have any last requests?"
She says, "That he did, Father."
The priest says, "What did he ask, Mary? "
She says,"He said,'Please Mary, put down that damn gun.'

A drunk staggers into a Catholic church. enters a confessional booth, sits down but says nothing. The Priest coughs a few times to get his attention but the drunk continues to sit there. Finally the Priest pounds three times on the wall.
The drunk mumbles, "ain't no use knockin; there's no paper on this side either."

Man I love being Irish...

Wednesday, March 01, 2006


This is great I heard this saying for the first time today courtesy of Elvis Duran of the Z morning zoo... (God I miss Howard), evidently this is in reference to when a girl wears low rise jeans and a midriff shirt but doesn't really have the body to pull it off (aka every spanish girl in Brooklyn by my assessment) and the result is a layer of fat protruding from the outfit that looks something like a muffintop. Man what will we think of next?

P.S. In case you're like me, and I pray to God you aren't... you might have been wondering what skinny white guy that sings like a black guy (aka Ricky Astley) is up to... well if you are check this out