Brice Beckham... Where Have You Gone?

Oh that sexy Wesley... why oh why did you leave us? Where have you and your stuck up butler gone... I mean when I streak up the china, it matters no more, no one cares... If I drop kick my jacket as I come through the door... no one glares.
You know what I want... and I mean REALLY want? A death match between Benson and Belvedere... the battle of the butlers... it would be awesome... put em in french maid outfits with some garters going on and you have ratings gold... pay per view price? At least 79.99... it'll be bigger then Tyson Holyfield... and probably last longer too. But alas, this dream will never be... ever. I guess I'll just have to gaze to my immediate left and hope one day I at least get to wrestle Brice Beckam to the ground and make him call me Phoebe...